4 thoughts on “My Passionate Purpose

  1. Congrats on the new official start of your web site. You have soooo much to offer to people, because of your own personal relationship with God. You have a style and an anointing that is very attractive and will draw many into what God is saying to the targeted audience that will be following you. I believe that you don’t even know the depth of the anointing that flows through you, (but you will see it unfold). You will help and encourage many through your writing, lifestyle and life’s experiences. I know because you have been there for me. The enemy has been fighting you on this work, but he has lost. May all the power and authority of Heaven carry this work to it’s expected end.
    Your Knight

    1. Thank you so much! That means a great deal to me. Thank you for all that you have done to help get this dream up and going. Greater things are still to come, greater things are still to be done in THIS city! Love you!

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